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Get Up, Go, Deliver, SHINE | Part 5

Writer: Beth HildebrandBeth Hildebrand


Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Do you hear the choir singing and declaring praise and victory of our Savior Christ?   Singing alleluia with our hands lifted high in praise!  And it’s You we adore, singing alleluia!

Lift high the cross, wave the white cloth from the empty tomb and cheer, “He is risen!”

Christ, the Light of the world, seized darkness.

Amazement.  Awe. Adoration.  Pure joy.

So what now?  Jesus is alive!

Isn’t that what God calls us to do?

Let us remember that morning. Not just during Lent, or Easter morning – but let’s live out what Martha and Mary did that early morning every day.  Those women naturally, instinctively and even unstoppably,  got up after experiencing resurrection, went (well ran) to deliver the Good News of Christ as His Light – that shined out of the empty tomb – shined through their words and soul.  They GOT UP, WENT, DELIVERED AND SHONE.

God wants us to do the same.  I think I’m going to have to put those words on my mirror so one of the first things I see in the morning is the reminder (or hey, instructions) from God to get up, go, deliver and shine.

I want Christ’s light to shine through me like it did Martha and Mary and all the others who experienced that moment in history.  Because of who He is, we’re given new life – resurrection – too.  We’re each part of God’s redemptive Story.   Just as each person in the Bible lived out God’s purpose, we’re to live out our own great stories too because we believe GOD CAN.



To read the other posts from this series feel free to find them here.

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