This week spending special times and making fun memories with our family so not writing much this week but I can’t stop counting joys so I can simply remind myself to be thankful…what are some of your joys this past week that you can’t help but sharing? Some of mine are reminders of God’s grace, beauty of the snow that blanketed the ground and special family time together…
Last week joys:
#1163 gift worn – God’s grace
#1164 gift given away – God’s grace
#1165 gift shared – God’s grace
#1166 gift quiet – snow falling at night
#1167 kids reading books by the fireplace
#1168 sledding in the snow and ice on a sunny morning
#1169 seeing gumballs with snow caps
#1170 the sound of snow falling from magnolia tree as it melts
#1171 celebrating my husband’s birthday
#1172 new older adult to start a book about
#1173 safe trip to Florida with my husband and kids
#1174 eating at Paula Deans restaurant…a fan of my daughter’s
#1175 Walking around beautiful and historical Savannah, GA
#1176 ordering four french fries and four frosties at Wendys…one for each of us on vacation
#1177 majesty and awe of God seen in space and the universe…spent day with family at Kennedy Space Center. “God created the heaves and the earth…”
#1178 seeing son enjoying and learning so much about NASA and space
#1179 seeing a bald head eagle and its nest, an alligator and many different and beautiful birds in the wild as we tour the Kennedy Space Center grounds.