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How when math is your weakness, it can become your strength

Writer: Beth HildebrandBeth Hildebrand

Math is not my cup tea. In school, it was the subject I struggled with the most (unless it was Physics and you know that includes a lot of math!) My kids are at the point in school now where if they need help with math, they need to go to dad or our neighbor who offers to help anytime because that is her cup of tea! Math is my weakness.


But doesn’t the Word say we are made stronger in our weaknesses? “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10) So my weakness is math but I’ll be made strong through it? And when I think about it, I am getting strength from math. Math incudes counting doesn’t it? Counting is easy and I don’t have to memorize algebraic formulas. I can count the many things I am thankful for. I can count the gifts that are given. I can count blessings.

God is good with numbers and counting. He’s counted and knows the numbers of hair on your head. He knows the number of grains of sand in the world. He knows the number of stars in the universe and beyond. He knows how many times we’ve messed up (but so thankful he chooses to erase them). He knows the number of times we’ve praised him and given thanks to him. He can count the many times He’s had to discipline us. I’m sure he knows the number of raindrops that fall from the clouds to the drops that roll down our faces. And I wouldn’t be surprised if He knows the number of times we’ve smiled and laughed.

God can also be counted on. He has filled a Book full of promises for us that we can count on. He promises us with

redemption (Luke 22:28),

strength from our weaknesses (2 Cor. 12:9-10)

forgiveness (1 John 1:9),

welcome homes (Luke 15:11-32),

unfailing love (John 3:16),

peace (Isaiah 26:3) ,

a future (Jeremiah 29:11),

assurance (Romans 8:28),

hope (Romans 15:13), and

Home. (Psalm 23:6)

…just to name a few.

When we count our joys and thanksgivings, we can count on God’s promises.

Still counting…

#1227True faith makes human hearts fearless – yet humble” (Tim Keller)

#1228 roller skating with family

#1229 hopeful news from friends

#1230 gift at breakfast – read to kids… “Trusting and being thankful are choices that only you can make. And you’ll have to make them every single day, many times a day. Just as with sports or math or any other skill, the more you practice, the easier it becomes!” -God from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

#1231 the wisdom and stories heard from experienced teen-age parents to help guide us into this unknown territory we’re about to step foot in.


#1232 daffodils blooming


#1233 in the process of creating a book for a 92-year-young gentleman who’s written Physics text books and invented medications used today. Talk about a mathematician!


#1234 an email from my sister (and her family) who love Jesus.

#1235 During Lent, our family reading the story Amon’s Adventure that helps us to focus on the most obvious demonstration of Jesus’ love.



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