Even though I’ve been taking a break from blogging this summer, I must still count. Count to be a constant reminder of the joy and gifts God gives. I hope you’ve had a summer filled with bright flowers, unexpected moments that make you giddy, the sound of crickets at night, time with family, vacations, some stillness and rest. I’m so looking at a new school year, new beginnings, new adventures!
#2167 new cushions for the back porch to sit on for future times to read and write and rest!
#2168 date night to Natty Greene’s, City Market and Maxie B’s
#2169 hearing kids stories about their stay with grandparents
#2170 kids watching a live barn raising in Lancaster, VA
#2171 grandparents taking our kids to see Sights and Sounds performance: Moses
#2172 grandparents teaching our kids how to serve by making almost 800 sandwiches for the small town fair
#2173 son volunteering with G at the Birthday Game booth
#2174 father in law’s reports negative
#2175 niece telling grandparents she “wants to be passed over next”
#2176 funnel cake
#2177 people watching
#2178 fun words to put on your bathroom wall
#2179 dinner on our family’s porch
#2180 fresh cut hydrangeas
#2181 a friend reminding me that I’m being obedient to Jesus in simple yet profound ways like helping teach my daughter how to babysit.
#2182 the listening ear from my friend and husband
#2183 the from the heart observations I needed to hear
#2184 surprise email from a friend inviting me and my favorite author to lunch
#2185 this time together
#2186 this friend who took the time to do this for me
#2187 God allowing or orchestrating this to happen. There’s a reason for all things…even if it’s simply a pure gift because of His love.
#2188 feeling giddy
#2189 long talk with sis on the phone
#2190 these run Coca-Cola labels this summer!
#2191 an unexpected “free-time” afternoon to write
#2192 needed rain
#2193 entertainment from the hawk on the neighbor’s roof
#2194 picking blueberries with my kids and my friend from my friend’s family bushes.
#2195 eating a fresh berry right off the bush
#2196 a basket of berries
#2197 night at the pool with small group
#2198 Jennie Allen’s new vision podcast
#2199 a date on the calendar for IF:Table
#2200 connecting with other IF:Local leaders in NC
#2201 meeting at Maxie B’s with other leaders who have the same yet different passions
#2202 registered to go to Catalyst lab with IF team!!!
#2203 chopping and freezing fresh veggies with my mom-in-law from her garden
#2204 husband and his dad working on a project together in the garage
#2205 watching daughter singing and dancing around the house
#2206 17th anniversary with my husband
#2207 the flowers he gave me for our anniversary
#2208 son made high school soccer team
#2209 daughter performing in School House Rock, Jr the Musical
#2210 evenings at the pool with family and friends
#2211 going on a train ride
#2212 getting all emotional riding on the train by myself reading Speak: How your Story can Change the World
#2213 not getting motion sick on the train!
#2214 spending a few days at mom and dad’s with my sister’s fam too
#2215 playing kinetic sand with my new nephew
#2216 the feel of that sand yet it doesn’t make a mess!
#2217 shopping at consignment shop with mom and sis
#2218 going back to my childhood summer stomping ground…the neighborhood pool
#2219 watching our kids play in the same pool I lived in each summer growing up
#2220watching Daddy Mac playing in the pool with our kids
#2221 spending the afternoon with a friend I grew up with
#2222 ordering new gadgets for the camera
#2223 signed up and going to a day of writing, At the Barn, led by Emily Freeman
#2224 the exciting feeling of WHAT IF IT REALLY HAPPENS?
#2225 my evenings with my 20-something girls as we talk about real life stuff and they educate me the latest catch phrases
#2226 buying a new Bible for growing son
#2227 my roses that have been flower-less all summer now starting to bloom again
#2228 hitting some golf balls with daddy mac and the kids
#2229 conversations with 2 women, sharing my dream and passion and they two hear a whisper that they’re to be part of something too!
#2230 excitement of a “new year” that starts Aug. 25