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What An Amazing Day!

This past Sunday was resurrection day at our church community where we celebrated the new life God made in His image. Fifty-seven people were immersed in the waters of Lake Cammack leaving their sins and old lives on the muddy bottom of the lake.

It was life-giving…

To see the arms wrapped on the shoulders in a long line of brothers and sisters, friends, and the family of God.

To hear the words sung:

Dead man walking, slave to sin

I wanna know about being born again

I need You.

Oh, I need You.

Like Holy Water on my skin.


You called me down to the water,

Met me by the riverside

You took me in, You drowned my sin

And said ‘dead man come alive!’

Then I left it in the water

My yesterdays are history

Left it in the water

To hear the harmony of praise as the base could be heard for miles around the lake and pounding in our hearts and chests.

To hear the Good News preached.

To release balloons, sins, and regrets.

To be given the gift of God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

To hear the redemptive and powerful stories.

To feel the love of the family and community of the local church as they lie hands on the shoulders of those being baptized and pray for them in Jesus’ name.

To see the profound joy on the wet faces of each person when they rose out of the water, followed by cheers, clapping hands, and hollers coming from the crowd.

To smell the pleasing aromas of new life and to taste food trucks cooking up delicious picnic- feasts while celebrating the life-changing occasion under multi-colored canopies and the shades of the trees.

Baptism Day!

Resurrection Day!

Praise the Lord!

“God does not just mend, repair, and restore. God renews and generates. God transcends our expectations beyond what we dare to ask or imagine.” (Makoto Fujimura, Art + Faith)

@smcburlington @wethekingdom @BrickCityKitchenllc2021 @dickiedosbbq @burlingtonrec #baptism #holywater #resurrectionday #newlife #joy #picnic #foodtrucks #community #jesus

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