I’ve been reminded lately of joy. The word has been popping up and it brings…well…joy! Maybe it’s been showing up because I’ve needed a refreshing reminder. So, I’ve asked myself “What is joy? How do you define it?” (And ask yourself those questions, too.)
Joy is not just happiness-it’s something bigger and better. Joy dwells. Joy is deep, overwhelming, encompassing, everlasting, and often underestimated.
Joy is releasable and frees from any restraint or bondage.
Joy longs to be known and longs to be felt.
Exhibit joy!
I’m thankful there are many ways to describe that word. Maybe so we can be surrounded by it, especially the times we need the reminder the most.
Here’s those descriptions of joy I’ve read recently:
“Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” Kay Warren Choose Joy – Because Happiness Isn’t Enough
“Joy is God’s life.” Ann Voskamp One Thousand Gifts
“Joy is living under the pleasure of the Father’s delight in you” Greg Ogden Discipleship Essentials
“Joy is the art of God” Ann Voskamp One Thousand Gifts
“Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. Luke 6:23
I hope you find joy in a new and refreshing way this weekend!